When we read the stories of King Arthur we constantly find ourselves coming across the character of Merlin, the Welsh Wizard. Who was he? And what are the real origins of Merlin?
North West Wales was home to hundreds of great slate quarries which roofed the world. Uniquely 500 million years old, the Welsh slate is widely recognised as the finest natural slate in the world.
Wales is one of the three countries in the world to feature a mythical creature as Dragon on its flag, and it is one of the most important objects in Welsh history. Welsh Dragon or Red Dragon however is only one of a number of dragon-like beasts to prowl their way through Welsh folklore.
During ancient times, the Celts had special symbols they used to represent their culture and identity. These symbols were revered from those days forward and are still prevalent in modern Wales today.
Owain Glyndwr was Welsh nationalist leader who disappeared in about 1415, however are few mysteries surrounded his death and burial site that are still puzzling medieval historians
King Arthur was one of the most mysterious legendary warriors, and his legend is still very much alive in Wales. However the origin of the Welsh name "Arthur" remains a matter of debate...